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Minha Costing Analysis and Expense Reduction


Some SMEs in Qatar are not well equipped for doing proper costing of their products / services. They either make a loss (in case of underpricing) or unable to sell (due to over pricing) which results in un-sustainable losses leading to distress and / or business failure. Hence, this product aims to provide minha to these companies to equip them in applying proper costing methods which could mitigate sustainable losses and allow them to be more competitive in the market.

Product Components:

Minha shall cover the cost of Service Provider to deliver the below:

  • Phase I: Costing Analysis - covers readiness assessment through the following stages
    • Discovery stage
    • Benchmarking stage
    • Analysis stage.
  • Phase II: Expense Reduction - covers readiness review through the following stages
    • Analysis stage
    • Research and data gathering stage
    • Selection and implementation stage .

Note: client may not be eligible for Phase II based on the outcome of Phase I.

Product Benefits:

Product benefits will include:

  • Support SMEs to calculate the exact cost of a product or service using appropriate costing methodology.
  • Break-down the total cost of product/Service into individual components to identify cost[1]saving opportunities,
  • Help in pricing the product or services as per the market prices while covering the costs adequately,
  • Use past data along with the future outlook reports to give a direction of costs,
  • Identify all potential cost items which should be provided while negotiating long-term supply contracts,
  • Help in assessing actual financing required for working capital or for undertaking a new project

Eligibility Criteria:

Qatari SMEs and Start-ups (as per QDB definition of SMEs) with at least 50% Qatari ownerships and operating in QDB mandated sectors whose activities are in compliance with Sharia.

Targeted Audience:

  • Companies that are unable to generate profit due to improper allocation of all costs to products or services; or
  • Companies that find it difficult to win contracts as they do not know how to price their bids for projects; or
  • Companies that are unable to save on costs making them un-competitive.


50% of the total service cost not exceeding QAR 37,500/- for both phases.